Wednesday 7 March 2012

07-03-2012 Three weeks to go

The driving centre at Basingstoke is starting to become a very busy place indeed. There are at the moment our class and the February class of drivers hard at work and tomorrow BDT3 (basic Driver training), the March course start at the centre as well. On top of that there is a new guard course starting and two currently at the centre as well so our course are quickly becoming the "senior drivers"!!

We have finished looking at the main accident handling modules and with nothing  much to do this afternoon we plowed on through the Single Line Working by Pilotman module so that we can practice in the simulator tomorrow!

This time in three weeks I should be able to report my first successful day of driving in the depot with pictures to follow!

Our final exam is now 19 days away, or 12 work days or 72ish working hours!! Scary stuff but we're getting there and I am pleased to say that no one on the course appears to be struggling and were all still together.

Good luck to BDT 3 starting basic rail tomorrow. If any one on that course is reading this then feel free to come and say hello, we're in the Avon suite and are happy to answer questions. Also a quick mention to a friend who is currently a conductor and will be joining South West Trains very soon on BDT 4. not long now mate!!

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