Hi all, I'm still here and still going strong.
As I mentioned in my last post our group at the moment is hard at work learning the simulator route as the simulators will be heavily used during our rules training.
So far I have made 2 return trips from "Easton to Weston" and have probably sat with another driver for the same amount and finally I am happy to say, the route is starting to sink in.
I drove my last trip today without having to look at the route map and purely by memory which for me is a great achievement! We'll have to see Thursday morning when we are doing another assessment on the route to see how well we have picked it up.
The reason my post has the title "small world" is because on my way home today I met two persons who joined the company this week. One of which, who is going to be a driver is probably reading this as you are and it was him that reminded me to post an update this evening. The other is related to one of the drivers who I was with for cab experience who at the time I was told would be starting soon in the ticket office, so it's good to meet some more people.
i have one more day on the simulator tomorrow before the exam Thursday and then on Friday we start getting knee deep into the rule book so there is something to look forward to!
Below is a few pictures I have taken today. Both on the simulator with one showing a colleague of mine who was driving and the other showing the secondmans side of a simulator cab. If I can I will also post a picture of the route map that we as a group have drawn of the simulator route which was to help us learn as I think it is a work of art. Until then here is a video I found on youtube of a young man driving the simulators at South West Trains http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgwie7PsAcE&feature=related
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