Wednesday 2 May 2012

01/05/2012 - New Day, New Month, New Post

Just a quick update from my last post.

I am still steadily building up my hours and I am now up to 18ish hours. That's out of the 225 hours that I have to complete (which is looking at being around the end of July!)
Since my last update, I have still been driving Desiro trains in varying formations and I have also been down to Poole, where while I was waiting in the sidings to go back a steam train passed me heading to Swanage!
The weather was nice today as well which is a first since I started driving, and it was actually quite warm. I'm on my firsts double Waterloo tomorrow, and I'll report back then. Otherwise nothing else out of the ordinary has happened! One of my colleagues on the same course had a signal go back to red on him because of a trespasser on the track, and ironically I was in my either guise as a Special Constable at the time heading to the area to try and find him!!
Anyway, I'll keep updating this blog as and when anything happens, take care all!

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